Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Glacier View, Alaska

Glacier View, Alaska

Aug 4-6th we stayed at the Majestic Valley Wilderness Lodge in Glacier View, Alaska. 

The Majestic Valley Wilderness Lodge. 

The fireweed in Alaska and at the lodge looked beautiful.

Me and my shadow enjoyed the views from the lodge's balcony.

During the winter, people who love to ski can fly into this lodge, they use a helicopter to drop off skiers on the mountain top to do some extreme skiing.

The flowers and gardens were lovely.

More from the lodge, a lovely view of the fireweed, mountains and the firepit. 

We enjoyed a breakfast buffet one morning, below are some photos of the dining room and lodge. 

Below is a view of the Matanuska Glacier, this view was right off the Glenn Hwy and close to our lodge.

I enjoyed a glass a wine while Hubby and I did some skywatching each evening on the lodge's balcony. 

From the lodge below is the sunrise on our last morning.

Thanks for visiting! Take care, have a great day!  

" We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone."


  1. Lindo tudo.Belas fotos e tu e tua sombre só podem adorar! beijos, feliz OUTUBRO! chica

    1. Thank you Chica, for your kind words and visit. Happy October to you! Have a great day and happy week ahead.

  2. Very artistic lodge...i like the flower near the lodge....very clean and has a fresh air. Thanks for sharing. greetings

    1. Thank you for your comment and visit. Happy October to you! Have a great day and happy week ahead.


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Have a great day, Eileen

Glacier View, Alaska

Glacier View, Alaska Aug 4-6th we stayed at the Majestic Valley Wilderness Lodge in Glacier View, Alaska.  The Majestic Valley Wilderness Lo...