Sunday, August 27, 2017

Eileen's Random Travels

A Photoblog post of my random travels.

"Dare to live the life you most wanted."  unknown

These images continue my last post on the Cape Flattery Trail, now I am sharing view of the Cape Flattery Lighthouse and island, the Pacific Ocean meets the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
We walked the trail to the very end, the most Northwestern point of the USA.

I used the Lunapic's Landscape to edit the photo above, it seems odd to that the water turned brown. It is neat, but I think I like the original. Which one do you like?

I am sharing some of my random travel photos, this is not only for my followers but more of a reminder for me and my hubby of where we have been and what we have seen over the years. All good memories for us, I hope you enjoy too.

" We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone." unknown

I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your day!


  1. Hello Eileen,
    Great pictures of this fantastic place. Wonderful.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hello Marco, thanks so much for your visit and comment. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  2. I love that quote about photos as a return ticket. I do that a lot. go back through photos to see what I have seen, I even do that on my blog, go back in time to see what I saw... I like the original best. I don't know why landscape changes it all to blue/brown but it does.

    1. Hi Sandra, I thought the Lunapic edit showed some weird colors, a huge change from the original. I still liked the edit though. Hubby and I often look at my blogs, just for the memories. Thanks for your visit and comment. enjoy your day!

  3. Hi Eileen, I still prefer the original because it looks natural. All are beautiful shots!

    1. Hello Nancy, I like the original too. Thanks so much for your visit and comment.
      Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  4. Lovely shots of a wild looking coast. I like the natural shot best.

    1. Hello Diane, thank you for the comment. I love the coastline in Washington State, it is a beautiful state. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  5. loved it there. so so pretty ... i found a lot of Washington state remind me of VA? i was just so shocked at how similar. figure it might be a bit different or usual. rainy here in VA. hope you are having a lovely week. ( :

    1. Hello Beth, I think the big difference between Washington State and Virginia is the coastline, it is beautiful there. Virginia has lovely forested land and big trees but it is further inland. Thanks so much for your visit and comment. Have a happy day!

  6. The edited one is quite different from the original and can’t be compared. Lovely photos overall

    1. Hello, Thanks so much for your comment. I appreciate your visit. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!


Hello, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate all your visits.

BTW, I will not publish anonymous comments, unless I recognize the name. Sorry!

Have a great day, Eileen

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