Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Watery Wednesday..Seaweed Wrap

For my Watery Wednesday post I thought of the seaweed photo I took while at Barnaget beach last weekend. Weird, I know! But listen, what I did not know until my last cruise that the spa's use seaweed for body wraps. During the cruise the spa would send out flyers offering different treatments and the seaweed wrap was one of the specials. Apparently seaweed has many benefits. If you didn't know already seaweed can relax you, stimulate your circulation, it can be used as a body cleanser and detoxifier and best of all reduce cellulite. WOW, I am just amazed at all these benefits.

                              A gold mine, see all those dark spots in the water, yes that's seaweed!

This great hunk of seaweed was right on the beach, ripe for the taking.

Did I mention it also helps with joint pain, arthitis and aching bones?

It is rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are absorbed into your skin while having the seaweed wrap. It is also suppose to be wonderful on dry skin. I have read it can help to increase your metabolism. This just sounds wonderful, like a miracle cure? Now, I am just so sorry I didn't walk along the beach and pick up every piece of seaweed I saw and bring it home with me. I do think you have to be able to put up with the strong marine odor but with all these benefits what's wrong with a little stinky odor.

I could have asked these duckies to move so I could pickup the seaweed in the water under and all around  them.

I hope you know, I am just kidding about picking up this seaweed and taking it home with me. My Jeep would be smelling fishy for weeks, YUCK! I am not sure if the "mircle" seaweed is the same as NJ seaweed? Now I might have everyone going out to find their own seaweed to wrap their bodies in. If it really does have a few of the benefits I mentioned I could stop taking my Aleve, Advil and Tylenol.

To see more Wonderful Watery Wednesday photos click here: Watery Wednesday

Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting Watery Wednesday.


  1. It hasn't been too watery here for awhile but this is a neat post! I should be taking some form of seaweed..I've heard of those benefits.. and I suppose they go for broke too, ha ha! This..makes me think of your spring reminder again (green), hoping to get a garden in and not just flowers!! At least greens! Hope your doing great! Did you get a wrap? Well your photos are nice as usual..sweet little ducks too. All my best, Regina-

  2. And best of all it is green. Has been a long time since I've seen gree LOL

  3. Think I'll pass on the seaweed wrap and just enjoy your photos instead! =D

  4. You can always come up to Glah-sta and get all of the seaweed your heart desires!

    Love the little jetty.

  5. I believe you that seaweeds can cure illnesses, it has been proven and it is also a source of iodine, do you know that? Some people here processed seaweeds and make it into Jello.


  6. Isn't nature wonderful how it provides us with cures for what ails us. Nice shots, Eileen.

  7. Seaweed - nice with Japanese food too...

  8. Hi eileen,great sh0ts,and d0 y0u kn0w that we ate a l0t of seaweeds here in taiwan,it is really g0od f0r the health,i always c0ok the mis0 s0up with dried seaweed,japanese and chinese used a l0t of seaweeds f0r their everyday c0nsumpti0n,be it dry or fresh 0ne.
    Have a blessed day t0 y0u.


  9. I know that if I go to the Chinese Restaurant, I always order the seaweed and seafood soup. I think Nori (the black stuff used in sushi) is sea weed too.

    it has lots of benefits!

  10. Lovely photo, and a lot of information! I have heard that seaweed is also good for the garden.

  11. love seeing them all... Great captures!
    I agree, sea weed has lots of benefits for human's health...


  12. There is the answer! We can eat it instead of wrapping in it! Love your pics! I could almost smell that seaweed! Oh no, wait, I think it is the wet dog!

  13. Funny post. Does it smell when you have it done in a spa? I'd rather eat it in sushi.

  14. I'm a seaweed fan and thanks for sharing all these lovely shots and helpful info.

  15. I love your shots. I know lots of people who put the sea weeds in their gardens.

  16. Yep, it's that time of year again isn't it? When all the seaweed washes ashore!!

    My Wednesday photo is a BROWN PELICAN at the marina [I also have another photo, by link, of the same pelican that is much better...a close up on my photo blog].


    Hope your Wednesday is treating you well.

  17. nice, it is an algea and that is good. I´ve seen them at many locations. I think you can eat it as well.

  18. Seaweed. Who knew! One man's junk is another man's treasure.

  19. This looks cool place. happy WW! thanks for coming by....


  20. I enjoyed your wonderful photos as always ... didn't know seaweed wraps were good for arthritis (live and learn) ... glad you didn't take the smelly stuph home with you ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  21. In Korea, it is a must to sip seaweed soup during your birthday. Cool photos, Eileen! :)

  22. Interesting post Eileen. I've heard of seaweed wraps, but never took time to find out why it is supposed to be good for you. Did you try one? (I'll go back and read the post again to see if I missed that part.)

    I wonder if Oregon seaweed is the same? Never heard of anyone harvesting it, but somewhere somebody must!

    Nice pictures, funny stuff to think about -- I liked this post a lot.

  23. Beautiful to see the sea without ice. Great pictures as always:-)

  24. I didn't know about it. Thanks for the information. I love your pictures. Great shots.

  25. Eileen: What a fun post, you need a good sealing bag for the seaweed.

  26. Wonderful reflections Eileen.

    Have a great day and weekend.


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Have a great day, Eileen

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